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Arrangements für die Maifeiertage

Zeit: Apr 28, 2023

Arrangements for the May Day holiday

Arrangements für die Maifeiertage


The May Day holiday in 2023 will fall on May 1st, as it does every year. This holiday is a national public holiday in many countries around the world, and it is a special day for workers to celebrate their labor rights and achievements.


In China, the May Day holiday is a three-day break for most workers, starting on May 1st and ending on May 3rd. Many people choose to travel during this time, as the weather is usually pleasant and the scenery is beautiful. Popular destinations include natural parks, historical sites, and cultural landmarks.


The origins of the May Day holiday can be traced back to the late 19th century, when workers across the world began to organize themselves and demand better pay, working conditions, and rights. In 1886, workers in Chicago held a massive strike and demonstration, demanding an eight-hour workday. The movement spread to other countries, and in 1889, the International Socialist Conference declared May 1st as International Workers' Day.


Seitdem ist der Feiertag zu einem wichtigen Symbol für Arbeitnehmerrechte und Arbeiterbewegungen auf der ganzen Welt geworden. Es ist ein Tag, um über die Kämpfe und Errungenschaften der Arbeiter nachzudenken und ihre Beiträge zur Gesellschaft zu feiern.


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